Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.
Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt

Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioural Physiology
Department of Human Ethology
Von-der-Tann-Str. 3-5
D-82346 Andechs

Phone +49/8152/373-59,
FAX +49/8152/373-70


Film Archive of Human Ethology

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt, born in Vienna, June 15, 1928,Austria. 1945-1949 study at University of Vienna (Zoology). Promotion Dr. phil. December 1949. 1946-1948 research associate at the Biological Station Wilhelminenberg near Vienna. 1949 research associate of the Institute for Comparative Behavior Studies in Altenberg near Vienna (Head: Prof. Konrad Lorenz). 1951-1969 Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology (first in Westphalia, from 1957 at Seewiesen, Bavaria); 1960 guest Professor for one term at the University of Chicago and 1966 at the University of Minnesota. 1963 habilitation at the University of Munich. 1970 Prof. of Zoology at the University of Munich.

Since 1970 Head of a Research Group for Human Ethology which became an independent Research Institute for Human Ethology of the Max-Planck-Society in 1975, first in Seewiesen and now in Andechs. 1957-1970 Honorary Scientific Director of the International Institute for Submarine Research in Vaduz.

Since 1992 Honorary Director of the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology in Vienna.

The first 20 years of his scientific career (1946-1966) were devoted to comparative vertebrate ethology focusing on communicative behaviors and the study of ontogeny, in particular of mammals. Diving expeditions (Xarifa Expeditions, lead by Prof. Hans Hass) 1953/54 Caribbean Sea (Galapagos) and 1958 Maldives, Nicobares. 1957 Head of the UNESCO expedition to the Galapagos Islands. 1967 first textbook on Ethology. From the midsixties studies on Human Ethology. Studies of the expressive behaviors of deaf and blind born, and start of cross-cultural documentation of human behavior. Through these studies he established the discipline of Human Ethology. Foundation of the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute of Urban Ethology in 1992. Director of this institute. Numerous anthropological expeditions to document in longitudinal studies the everyday life and rituals of the Yanomami (Waika-Indians Upper Orinoko, South America), Hima (Namibia), Kalahari Bushmen (!Kung, G/wi, !Ko, Botswana), Eipo (West-Irian, New Guinea), Biami (Papua New Guinea), Bali and Trobriand Islanders.

Since 1950 married to Eleonore Eibl-Eibesfeldt Ph.D., two children, Bernolf and Roswitha.


Numerous publications


Honorary-offices and memberships:
Since 1960 corresponding member the of the Senckenberg Natural-History Society (Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft)
Since 1959 member of the Executive Councils of the Charles Darwin Foundation [Foundation for the Galapagos]
Since 1977 member of the German Academy of Naturalists (Academia Leopoldina, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher)
1978 foundation-member of the PEN-club in Liechtenstein
Since 1979 member of the Australian Forensic Society
From 1986-1993 president of the International Society for Human Ethology
Since 1985 corresponding member of the Namibian (South-West African) Scientific company
Since 1987 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
Since 1988 member of the Polish Academy for Sexual-Research (Academia Scientia Sexuologicae Polonia)
Since 1990 foundation-member of the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea Foundation-member of the Konrad-Lorenz-Society for Environmental and Behavioural Sciences
As well as memberships in numerous different organizations like the German Zoological Society (Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, DZG), the International Society of Ethology and various other.


1971 Golden Bölsche Medal by the Kosmos Society (appreciation of merits for the popularization of his field of science).
1981 Award for Communication-Research (in medias res, Burda-Preis fÄr Kommunikationsforschung)
1988 Philip Morris Forschungspreis (Philip Morris Research Award)
1989 Ehrenmedaille in Gold der Stadt Wien (Honorary Medal in gold of the town of Vienna).
1993 Tauchpreis of the Tauchclub Salzkammergut (Award of the Austrian State of Salzkammergut for Divers)
1995 "Claustro Extraordinario de Doctores" of University Salamanca/Spain
1995 Big merit-cross of the merit-medal of the Federal Republic of Germany (Gro¤es Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
1996 National-park-dragonfly with rubies (Nationalparklibelle mit Rubinen) for extraordinary merits in international nature conservation, lent of the Natural-History Museum in Vienna and the Academy of the Nationalpark in Donauauen near Vienna
1996 Environment-price of the city Ebersberg (Schwenk'scher Umweltpreis der Stadt Ebersberg)
1997 Golden Spitt of the Chaine des Rotisseurs Bailliage de Haute-Baviere
1997 Medal of the Dres. Haackert Foundation, lent for outstanding merits about the exploration of Human Behaviour.
1997 Bavarian merit-medal, lent through the Bavarian prime-minister Dr. Stoiber
1997 Year-price of the foundation for Western consciousness (Stiftung für abendländische Besinnung, STAB) from Zurich



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