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What's going on

Currently we are continuing research in the field of urban ethology mostly by studies on social networks of young women, and male – male cooperation in anonymous settings. Our current research designs envision the integration of our findings and methods in fundamental research into our research on urban ethology. In doing so, we will focus on investigating the influence of built environments on the emotions of “users of architecture” with the use of automated methods.
Current projects include:
- the study of nonverbal behavior with morphometric methods
- the simulation of facial expressions and emotions
- the influence of prenatal hormones on cognition, physical appearance, and health
- the expression of personality in nonverbal behavior
- the influence of built environments on affective behavior

Biometric data collection for one of our new studies.

Spin-off research
The methodical and theoretical developments of our institute have caused researchers from all over the world to ask us for our cooperation in research on methods and theories. This so-called spin-off research takes place in the following fields:
- the development of virtual stimuli models of human behavior for the research on cognitive processing via fMRI.
- the development of new emotional computer interfaces
- the description and analysis of the effects of plastic surgery on personality assessment and self-rating


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